HAHA! Today I show you how I have murdered my holy lipstick.
take I think, easy to claim too much space ...
therefore needed a solution. And looks like this:
since I've seen Lisa Eldridge's video, I'm blown away by these pallets
I found is really great!. The whole thing just looked very artistic.
the palettes here are still really handy, you can probably hardly deny.
HERE you come to the blog post by Lisa Eldridge.
The range has a stylish design. Black and shiny. The closure is extra nice :-)
enlarged with a click!
On one side are a total of 14 notches. On the other hand, 21! I think the right side for lipsticks appropriate. Especially if they are still quite full! The left side I would use for concealer or cream foundation. Soon I will be there my MAC and Bobbi Brown Concealer purely press :-)
In the middle is still a plastic blade. Quite well, as the lipstick with me would otherwise leave an imprint on the other side ...
There are pallets in various designs. I decided for this one, because my 28-line (both sides looking as on the photo above) were too expensive. Cost around 44 euros. And that was to try me then too risky: D
we come to the decision maker ... Clean the presses! I opted for the same method as Lisa, and have beheaded the lipstick and pressed gently with your finger inside! Ne was quite a mess ... but has been fun's all: D
Taste overcome at the beginning, but then ... : D A knife is the best here, since one and the last remaining well out of the sleeve gets
The "nude Department
Does not in kind said Braun made ;-)
looks kind of creepy ...
Bobbi Brown lipstick in "Beige"
MAC "hot Me Up, "" Cindy "and" Lady Danger "
Artdeco lipstick, one of Yves Rocher and Arabesque Lippie.
And then you're already finished! With the empty MAC lipsticks (plus two eyeshadow jars), I'm going tomorrow to MAC and grab this new lipstick NEN (BACK2MAC) :-)
If you have any questions, it does me please! Otherwise, I would appreciate your opinion.
I hope you enjoyed this post.
dearest greetings
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